That is what the license plates say in Utah. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I can't imagine it being any better.
We had quite a snow storm here this weekend. We thought it would mess up our plans to go skiing/ snowboarding, but Sunday turned out to be BEAUTIFUL. Three feet of fresh new snow to ski on. This is the first time this season we haven't skied on man-made snow. It is quite different. More fluffy.
Becca is becoming quite the snowboarder. She went down the bigger lift after a small bribe of any dinner she wanted (she is so easy, she only wanted Subway). We went on that lift 6 more times. It is challenging to her, but she refuses to give up. We didn't take any pictures this time. We just wanted to enjoy the snow (sorry).
One funny story about Becca and the ski lift. She was scared that she was going to fall off the other side of the mountain at the top. I think that is normal for anyone who has never been up there. But the last time we went up, she never got off the lift! There is a little pile of snow and you are supposed to be ready and just slide right off. She said her feet never hit the ground so she started screaming. I thought she fell when she got off the lift and I turned around to check on her. She was still in the seat making the turn! Luckily, there is a man working the booth and he turned off the lift and had to go pick her up and get her out of the seat! She said, "Well at least I didn't fall!" I wish I had the camera.
Kevin P will be here this Friday and we are all going (Kevin, me, KevinP, Korey, Kurtis, Becca, and Andrew) skiing/snowboarding on Sunday. We plan to get a family picture (minus Heather, she doesn't like skiing) at the top of the mountain. We will take the camera for new pictures. All the kids have their own equipment for snowboarding. They can't wait to try it out. We gave it to them as an early Christmas present.
Becca has already used her new snowboard twice. She is ready to teach James when he gets here for Christmas. I can't wait to see him in the cold! The temperature was 8 degrees at the ski resort. Oh wait, James??? Are you reading this?? Maybe I meant 80 degrees. Honestly it isn't that bad if you have the correct clothing on.
I think I am ready... I have two long sleeve tee shirts, a sweater, a hoodie sweatshirt, and a leather jacket. (I plan on wearing all at the same time)
Also I have some Flannel lined pants that hopefully will be enough.. If not I am going to go get long johns when I arrive...
oh my mom confirmed.. she is for sure coming..
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