Friday, November 20, 2009

Is Anyone Out There?

If you are still checking this website, please let me know by leaving a comment. I will start updating this site again if there is anyone actually looking at it.


The Sants said...

I look when I've seen that you updated. :)

Anonymous said...

I look at's the only way I get to see my granddaughter and what's happening in her life. I don't always post, cuz I know you don't want to talk to me..By the way, I think her haircut is cute..I hope you don't take this off now that you know I look at it. Thanks, Becca's Grandmother

Mark said...

I look here to see what's up with you guys . . .facebook is nice but you always post pictures here too and I don't want to miss any. Don't let this go away.
Becca's Nana

Monica said...

I assume from the tone that the "anonymous" message is from my mother. ???

It's a Bold Venture said...

Hey, don't stop blogging. I love the look of your site with all the photos and am trying to start up a blog of my own but am just learning and am having no luck. Don't know how to set it up so that it's nice like yours. Any tips would be appreciated. I live in the Snowy Mountains in Australia.

It's a Bold Venture said...

Hey, I did it. First time I've been able to post a comment on a blog site. All I need to know now is how to put on my blog under the blogs I'm following is yours. Can you help. Thanks to the mcdonaldsinutah.

James Sheehan said...

I watch..

Anonymous said...

Grampy like becca's new room-it looks like her